So have been noticing a lot more critters around of late, I was very interested and decided to follow one of them. It gave a good chase and eventully I caught up with him, he wouldn't answer my questions so I picked him up and took him into the house so that my humans could answer my questions.
When I jumped through the window I took the mouse to the Mother human, who instantly shouted over to the Father human. I was then put back outside through the window whilst the mother and father were chasing around the lazy room with a kitchen towel.
I don't know what their problem was but i know now, what I had was called a mouse. It was a funny little thing and squeaked quite loudly. I have now learnt that cats are very good at catching them, but if that is the case why did my humans put me outside and spend 20 minutes trying to catch it, when I had already caught it?
Since then I have been given something that looks like a mouse but it does not move.
However, they are quite fun and my owner has another packet kept safe, I would like to give that away to another cool cat.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The boring bits: Competiton open to all UK residents. Competition closes on Sunday 27th April 2014 at 11:59pm. The prize cannot be exchanged and there is no cash alternitive. To enter you must follow me on Twitter and leave a blog comment answering the question. Good Luck.